Good evening, dear ones! Can I just say, I'm baaaaaaack . . . with a vengeance?
What an October! Finishing a manuscript in a blind haze of fury, losing my internet connection for-freaking-ever . . . it's all in a day's work.
But . . . BUT . . . I do have it on good authority that
{Mad clears her throat, ever so delicately}
WE HAVE HAD SIGHTINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actual, honest-to-goodness, verified sightings of NO REST FOR THE WICCAN, hanging out on bookstore shelves with all the usual stellar company!
That's right, folks. Bewitching Watch 2009 has begun!
Post your own sightings in the comments below, if you like. Or not. I'm easy.
I was even able to hold a copy this afternoon, thanks to my beloved editor, who so thoughtfully FedEx'd one to me, hot-off-the-press. It's beautimous. And on Wednesday I'll be hitting a few of the area bookstores to see if I can find it on the shelves.
So, dear ones, go forth and do a little Bewitching Watching on my behalf? :-)
Oh! And have a happy and safe Halloween and a very blessed Samhain...
Love to all,
Mad {madly!}

Official Release Date: 11/4/08
{but the sightings have begun!!! Woot Woot!!!}
Congratulations Mad!
I was hoping to see it on the shelf early...was at B&N and Borders last night and didn't see it but believe me I'll be out and about looking for it until I have a copy in my hot little hands...*G*
Just arrived in the door today from Amazon -- it was on my pre-order list! Another BRILLANT entry in your series -- I devoured it whole -- and read the entire book in one sitting! Could not put it down! Brightest blessings and many thanks for such engrossing stories .....
It is my belief and hope that Maggie ends up with Dr. Butler -- Liss' nephew!
Jan at Rosemary Cottage
I purchased it yesterday at our B&N in Burnsville. I hope to begin reading it after I rake more leaves.
I had birthday money this morning and I bought your book. I foresee a glass of wine and my bootie on the couch with your book in my lap tonight.
So exciting! A new book! I don't have your email so please check out my blog so you can see what is going on with my mom.
Hi there! Sighting in B and N in Pittsford, NY. And PURCHASED, read, and loved it!
No Rest For The Wiccan has been spotted in Norman, Ok on Friday November 14, 2009. I finally found it at BN after checking just about everyday for two weeks. I love all the Bewitching Mysterys. I have never been a reader of Mysteries but an avid reader of non-fiction paranormal. So when I picked up the first book I was hooked. I found them in August August 2009 and can't wait to for the next one.
Just so you know, I had to buy *two* copies of the book. On Monday, I left my first copy in the hotel room and didn't realize that until I was 200 miles away. Doh! So today, I bought another copy since I cannot possibly wait for the hotel to mail the original back to me!
Found it December 12th in a mall bookstore by accident and read it in almost one sitting. Lovely book! Of course I had to go out and buy all the rest.
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